Visual Tarot

Tarot of the White Cats

Price: $5.99


The Tarot of the White Cats is very much in the tradition of the Rider-Waite Tarot - except for the blue-eyed, white cats drawn in the cards, instead of people. The symbolism is standard and non-threatening enough for use for the Tarot beginner.

Artist: Severino Baraldi

Items: 78

Product Dimensions: 2-5/8" x 4-3/4"

ISBN-10: 0738704636

ISBN-13: 978-0738704630

Package: A 64-page booklet written in five languages: English, Italian, Spanish, French, Dutch

Major names: Fool, Magician, High Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Hierophant, Lovers, Chariot, Justice (#8), Hermit, Wheel of Fortune, Strength (#11), Hanged Man, Death, Temperance, Devil, Tower, Stars, Moon, Sun, Judgement, World

Suit names: Chalices (Cups), Wands, Swords, Pentacles

Court cards: Knave, Knight, Queen, King

Sample Card Images

Back Design of Cards

Sample Images of Pack / Box