Visual Tarot

Mystic Faerie Tarot

The Mystic Faerie Tarot is an enchanting faerie tarot painted in watercolours by fantasy artist Linda Ravenscroft. Ornate borders and gold edges surround tarot images of sprites, nymphs, mermaids and faeries, in a charming, pretty and readable new tarot deck.

Artists: Barbara Moore, Linda Ravenscroft

Year: 2007

Items: 78

Language: English

Product Dimensions: 2.75 x 4.63 inches = 6.99cm x 11.75cm

Package: 312-page companion book, written by Barbara Moore, and two extra cards with a Faerie Greeting and Faerie Farewell.

Suit names: Cups, Swords, Wands, Pentacles

Court cards: Knave, Knight, Queen, King

Comments: The Fool is 0; Strength is 8; Justice is 11

Sample Card Images

Back Design of Cards