Hoodoo Tarot
Price: $9.89
The Hoodoo Tarot is a 78-card deck centred in Hoodoo traditions, reflecting the needs and interests of Rootworkers. It celebrates an often misunderstood aspect of Black/Indigenous culture in North America, and features both historically significant contributors to Hoodoo, and everyday people in contemporary situations. Packaged as a box set including a 148 Page guidebook.
Artists: Katelan Foisy, Tayannah Lee McQuillarYear: 2020
Items: 78
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 4.61 x 2.80 in. = 11.70cm x 7.10cm
Package: 148-page guidebook, written by The Hoodoo Tarot’s conceptual originator Tayannah Lee McQuillar, is included with the set.
Suit names: Sticks, Baskets, Knives, Coins
Court cards: Mother, Father, Daughter, Son
Sample Card Images

Back Design of Cards