Visual Tarot

Golden Dragon Tarot

The Golden Dragon Tarot is a deck of 78 cards, fully illustrated with pretty - but perhaps not historically accurate - scenes from ancient China and Chinese culture. The major arcana have been retitled to suit the theme.

Artists: Jean-Louis Victor, Marie Delclos

Items: 78

Language: English, Chinese

Package: A deck-sized leaflet

Major names: 1 - The Apprentice, 2 - The Waterporter, 3 - The Queen of Rice, 4 - The Emperor, 5 - The Illuminated Pagoda, 6 - The Labryinth, 7 - Victory, 8 - Justice, 9 - The Master of Wisdom, 10 - Destiny, 11 - The Dragon, 12 - The Hanged Man, 13 - Death, 14 - Balance, 15 - The Thunderstorm, 16 - Destruction of The Temple, 17 - The Star, 18 - The Moon, 19 - The Sun, 20 - The Tao, 21 - The Monkey, 22 - Harvest

Suit names: Coins, Cups, Swords, Wands

Court cards: King, Queen, Knight, Master

Comments: The Fool is 22; Strength is 11; Justice is 8

Sample Card Images