Ancient Italian Tarot
Price: $12.99
Published by Lo Scarabeo in 2000, this 78 card deck is a reproduction of an 1880 Avondo Brothers deck, produced in Serravalle Sesia, Italy, which was based in part on a deck created in 1835 by Della Rocca. The finely engraved line art illustrations of this modern reproduction are faithful to the 1880 deck, being colored with a muted palette of terracotta reds, grassy green, sky blues and a variety of earth tones on a parchment colored card stock.
The Major Arcana follows Marseille tradition, with some Italian modifications. Most characters are dressed in neo-classical or late medieval costume, with an occasional nude female. Major Arcana and Court cards have traditional Italian titles, with Major Arcana cards having both Roman & Arabic numbering.
Year: 2000
Items: 78
Product Dimensions: 2 5/8" x 4 3/4" x .011" (66 mm x 12 0mm x .29 mm)
Sample Card Images

Back Design of Cards

Sample Images of Pack / Box