Visual Tarot

Phoenix Tarot

Titled in Italian, Paola's Phoenix Tarot deck has been created in an unusual, beautiful and very striking style that looks almost like layers of coloured paper. Previously known as Paola Angelotti's Tarot while unpublished, it's now in print as the Phoenix Tarot.

Artist: Paola Angelotti

Year: 2003

Items: 78

Language: Italian

Product Dimensions: 3.15 x 4.84 inches = 8.00cm x 12.30cm

Package: Sheet of meanings, in English.

Major names: Il Bagatto, La Sacerdotessa, L'Imperatrice, L'Imperatore, Il Papa, Gli Amanti, Il Carro, La Giustizia, L'Eremita, La Ruota Della Fortuna, La Forza, L'Appeso, La Morte, La Temperanza, Il Diavolo, La Torre, Le Stelle, La Luna, Il Sole, Il Giudizio, Il Mondo, Il Matto

Suit names: Pentacoli, Bastoni, Spade, Coppe

Court cards: Principessa, Cavaliere, Regina, Re

Comments: The Fool is 22; Strength is 11; Justice is 8

Sample Card Images