Visual Tarot

Merlin Tarot

The Merlin Tarot has 78 cards based on the Arthurian legends. The reordered major arcana, aces, and court cards are beautifully drawn, but the suits (Birds are Swords, Serpents are Wands, Fish are Cups, and Beasts are Disks) have very spare pip cards. They are disappointingly repetitive and difficult to interpret intuitively.

Artist: RJ Stewart

Year: 1988

Items: 78

Product Dimensions: 3.15 x 4.72 inches = 8.00cm x 12.00cm

Major names: Moon, Sun, Star, Fortune, Justice, Judgement, Fool, Magician, Chariot, Guardian, Tower, Death, Hanged Man, Hermit, Innocent, Temperance, Emperor, Strength, Empress, Lovers, Priestess, Universe

Suit names: Beasts, Fish, Birds, Serpents

Court cards: Not titled. Pictured are a king, queen, knight and page.

Comments: The Fool is 7; Strength is 18; Justice is 5

Sample Card Images

Back Design of Cards