Visual Tarot

Tarot Balbi

Price: $19.99


Published in the mid seventies, and unfortunately now out of print, this brilliantly coloured Balbi Tarot deck makes use of astrological, alchemical and Qabbalistic symbols in its major arcana. (The minors are standard pip cards.)

Artist: Domenico Balbi

Year: 1976

Items: 78

Language: Spanish

Product Dimensions: 2.76 x 4.33 in. = 7.00cm x 11.00cm

Suit names: Copas, Oros, Espadas, Bastos

Court cards: Sota, Caballo, Reina, El Rey

Comments: The Fool is numbered 0; Strength is numbered 11; Justice is numbered 8

Sample Card Images

Sample Images of Pack / Box