Taro Gatti
i Taro Gatti is a 22-card Italian deck, from a paper company in Perugia. Cats are the theme and have also become the Tarot symbols in several cards. The artwork is black, white and red printed on thick, strong uncoated cardboard and is quite appealing.
Items: 22
Product Dimensions: 3.43 x 4.84 inches = 8.70cm x 12.30cm
Major names: Le Fol/Il Folle, Le Bateleur/Il Mago, La Papesse/La Papessa, L'Imperatrice/L'Imperatrice, L'Empereur/L'Imperatore, Le Pape/Il Papa, L'Amour/L'Amore, Le Chariot/Il Carro, La Justice/LaGuistizia, L'Ermite/L'Eremita, La Fortune/La Fortuna, La Force/La Forza, Le Pendu/L'Appeso, La Mort/La Morte, La Temperance/La Temperanza, Le Diable/Il Diavolo, La Tour/La Torre, L'Etoile/La Stella, La Lune/La Luna, Le Soleil/Il Sole, Le Jugement/Il Guidizio, Le Monde/Il Mondo
Comments: The Fool is 0; Strength is 11; Justice is 8