Visual Tarot

Primal Lenormand

The Primal Lenormand is a reproduction of one of the earliest complete Lenormand decks, courtesy of the British Museum. Originally conceived as a game – The Game of Hope – which is somewhat reminiscent of a Monopoly-and-Snakes-and-Ladders hybrid, played with dice, and with the added attraction of a cash jackpot. Eventually the game fell from favour and faded from memory. Some 50 years after its initial appearance the deck resurfaced, this time as fortune telling cards. The original artwork was most likely done on carved wooden printing blocks (as was the original RWS deck), with the basic image in black on white, and colours overlaid afterwards. The palette is limited to half a dozen colours – red, pink, yellow, green, brown, blue. The artwork would have been current at the time of publication (1799) – and to our modern eyes both historically interesting and somewhat sparse.

Artist: Alexander Gluck

Year: 2015

Items: 36

Product Dimensions: 3.15 x 4.33 in. = 8.00cm x 11.00cm

Package: 59-page little white booklet with instructions in German, French, and English.

Sample Card Images

Back Design of Cards