Visual Tarot

Book of Kaos Tarot

Price: $20


First Edition. Boxed set comprising 80 black and white tarot cards (approx 5.5 x 3.5 inches) and a 40pp printed stapled booklet. Signed by Orryelle on the front wrapper of the booklet. According to promotional material a form of the deck was first released in 1991 under the title the Bohemian Tarot, but this edition has been completely revised with much of the major arcana redrawn so as to turn the deck into an "inter-sect-ion of Chaos Magick and the double aeonic current of Horus and Maat." The booklet is a bit crudely produced in that the printing on a couple of pages is askew (it was probably produced on a photocopier). The glossy pictorial box is ingeniously produced from a sinle sheet of card, cut to shape, folded and stapled.

Artist: Orryelle Defenestrate-Bascule

Year: 2004

Items: 80

Product Dimensions: 3.90 x 5.28 inches = 9.90cm x 13.40cm

Package: A roughly photocopied booklet that includes a relatively large amount of information.

Major names: 0 - The Fool, I - The Magician, II - The High Priestess, III - The Empress, IV - The Emperor, V - The Hieorphant/Priest, VI - The Lovers, VII - The Chariot, VIII - Adjustment/Justus, IX - The Hermit, X - The Wheel, XI - Strength/Lust, XII - The Hanged Man, XIII - Death, XIV - Temperance/Art, XV - Baphomet (alternatively, Pan), XVI - The Blasted Tower, XVII - The Star, XVIII - The Moon, XIX - The Sun, XX - Judgement/The Aeons, XXI - The Universe

Suit names: Staves, Cups, Swords, Pentacles

Court cards: Page, Knight, Queen, King

Comments: The Fool is 0; Strength is 11; Justice is 8

Sample Card Images

Sample Images of Pack / Box