Visual Tarot

Madru: Das Baum Tarot - The Tree Tarot

The Tree Tarot (das Baum Tarot) is a German deck that assigns a tree to each major card. The illustrations are focused on the head and shoulders of the traditional Rider-Waite characters, and each card shows the figure with its associated planetary, zodiac, tree and Hebrew letter. The cards are small, about playing card size.

Artists: F. Hetmann, Tilman Michalski

Year: 2000

Items: 22

Language: German

Package: There is a separate book available for the deck (the deck and book are also available as a set). There are 9 cards in the deck that serve as the LWB, and the title cards. Packaged in a plastic case.

Major names: 0 Der Narr/Birke (The Fool/Birch), I Der Magier/Buche (The Magician/Beech), II Die Gottin/Erle (High Priestess/Alder, III Die Furstin/Linde (Empress/Linden), IV Der Furst/Tanne (Emperor/Fir), V Der Gott/Pappel (Hierophant/Poplar), VI Die Liebenden/Heckenrose (The Lovers/Hedge Rose), VII Der Wagenlenker/Hainbuche (Charioteer/Hornbeam), VIII Die Gerechtigkeit/Eiche (Justice/Oak), IX Der Einsiedler/Haselnuss (Hermit/Hazelnut), X Das Rad Des Lebens/Walnuss (The Wheel (of Life)/Walnut), XI Die Kraft/Wacholder (Strength/Juniper), XII Die Prufung/Larche (Hanging Man/Larch (or Tamarack)), XIII Der Tod/Efeu (Death/Ivy), XIV Die Massigung/Kiefer (Temperance/Pine), XV Der Damon/Eberesche (Devil/Mountain Ash), XVI Der Turm/Birnbaum (The Tower/Pear), XVII Die Sternenfrau/Kirschbaum (The Star/Cherry), XVIII Die Mondfrau/Holunder (The Moon/Elder), XIX Die Sonnenfrau/Ginster (The Sun/Gorse (broom)), XX Das Gericht/W

Comments: The Fool is 0; Strength is 11; Justice is 8

Sample Card Images